Aurancient heritage, our ancestors complex mindsets and ownhanded aptitude.
Handmade Nordic art. Wanted to call it nordichåg but å is an impossible letter, so it had to to be the older and more poetic hug. Translated to english it doesn't exist anymore, so i had to go back to the old hugi which is quite similar. Nordic thought/håg/hugi in to the future.
Aurancient hunger
Hardening cold
Härdat kött
Hugins favor
An allmansright Sweden free from chemical waste
Everything we do has a direct impact on our direkt environment. The natural cycles of reality should not be exceeded or distorted, with as small violations in the Swedish ancestral soil as possible.
Non-degradable things remain for millennia
The open fields where our food will grow.
On paths of tar and gravel
From trails and dirt roads to cobblestone streets, to today's black rockoil mixed with gravel, one walks and sees the ancient wonders of the natural world.
Sustainability and use
As naturally and realistically degradable as possible without synthetic materials/chemicals, different things are "sustainable" and "degradable" in different ways. Decomposition duration, residues, destruction method lifetime realistic lifetime consumption iron wears to nothing, consumed by oxide or melted and reshaped. Wood can last for thousands of years, or be burned for heat in the cold north. They basically have good durability and degradation/destruction.
Axing and widdling
Chops and splits with an axe, carves with a carbon steel knife and a longer laminated knife
The forge's works begin to emerge into the world.